
Other Projects


Silvercorp has multiple early-stage exploration projects in Ecuador and Ireland:


Pijili (Azuay Province, Ecuador)

  • 3 concessions totaling 3,246 ha
  • Silvercorp (80%) and Salazar Resources (20%) JV
  • Underexplored copper-gold-molybdenum (Cu-Au-Mo) porphyry and epithermal gold-silver (Au-Ag) targets


Santiago (Loja Province, Ecuador)

  • One 2,350 ha concession
  • Silvercorp (80%) and Salazar Resources (20%) JV
  • Multiple Cu porphyry targets (mostly untested) defined by 2019 MobileMT airborne geophysical survey , including a 3,000 m x 2,000 m porphyry system


Tre Picachos (Zamora Province, Ecuador)

  • 3,674 ha property; 100% owned
  • Southern extent of the Zamora Cu-Au metallogenic belt, 22 km south of SolGold’s Porvenir porphyry target
  • Cu soil anomaly and outcropping Cu-Mo veins
  • JOGMEC (Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security) can earn 75% by investing $5 million through 2028


Tarqui (Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador)

  • 4,817 ha property; 100% owned
  • 25 km north of the Mirador Cu-Au mine, and 25 km south of the San Carlos & Panantza Cu deposits
  • Cu-Mo mineralization and alteration confirmed by BHP drilling in 2022 (6,900 m)


Quimi (Southeastern Ecuador)

  • 2,732 ha property, 100% owned
  • 8 km north of Mirador, on the same trend with the extension of the Mirador North deposit
  • 3 separate kilometre-scale Cu anomalies >400 ppm defined by soil sampling


Chalapo (Southern Ecuador)

  • 8,081 ha property (2 contiguous claims); 100% owned
  • Undrilled epithermal Au-Ag prospect


La Canela (Southern Ecuador)

  • 2,783 ha property; 100% owned
  • Southern extent of the Zamora Cu-Au metallogenic belt
  • Batholith bound andesites and felsic tuffs hosting epithermal and mesothermal veins


Orquideas (Southern Ecuador)

  • 4,219 ha property; 100% owned
  • Southern extent of the Zamora Cu-Au metallogenic belt
  • Structurally controlled Cu-Mo-Ag porphyry system
  • 5 km x 2 km Cu-Mo anomaly, with outcrops assaying up to 0.9% Cu and 0.66% Mo, and peripheral high-grade Au and base metal vein


Cascas (Zamora-Chinchipe Province, Ecuador)

  • 10,000 ha property (2 claims); 100% owned
  • 3 under explored targets: Shakai (Cu-Mo porphyry), Hapa (Cu-Mo porphyry), Kuru (Au-Ag epithermal mineralization)


Pegasus (Western Cordillera, Ecuador)

  • 16,397 ha property; 100% owned
  • $26M spent between 2018 and 2024 by Anglo American, including 1,800 m of drilling at the Medusa North and Pegasus A targets
  • An under-explored VMS/skarn district with potential porphyry roots, adjacent to other significant mineral deposits like the El Domo deposit


Rathkeale (Southwestern Ireland)

  • 8 contiguous 100%-owned Irish licences (257 km2) over an area prospective for carbonate-hosted Irish Type zinc-lead (Zn-Pb) mineralization
  • Historical drilling intersected significant mineralization, including 5.8m at 3.5% Zn and 6m at 5.7% Pb, 2.8% Zn, 0.7% Cu
  • South32 can earn 70% by funding €3.5M in exploration


Fermoy (Southeastern Ireland)

  • 12 prospecting licences covering 477 km2 located in the southern sector of the Irish Zn-Pb-Ag orefield
  • Area remains underexplored for Irish-Type Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization
  • South32 can earn 70% by funding €3.5M in exploration



  • Overview

  • Producing

    • Ying Mining District

    • GC Mine

  • Development

    • El Domo

  • Exploration

    • Condor

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