
HPG Mine (Ying Mining District)




  • Silver-gold-lead-zinc mine northeast of SGX
  • Operates under the Yuelianggou Mining License
  • Underground mine first opened in April 1995 and acquired in January 2007
  • Property 100% owned by Henan Huawei Mining Co. Ltd., a sino-foreign cooperative JV company owned 80% by Silvercorp and 20% by Luoning Huatai Mining Development Co. Ltd.


Mine Type Ramp supported underground
Mining Method Re-suing and shrinkage
Reserve tonnage 2 790 kt
Reserve grades 2 73 g/t silver
1.63 g/t gold
3.03% lead
1.19% zinc
% of Ying’s LOM ore production 6%
Primary metal Silver
By-product metals Lead, zinc, gold

1 Mineral reserves estimate as of December 31, 2021.

Exploration and Geology

Recent Work/ Highlights

Silvercorp completed 24,369 m of drilling in 153 diamond drill holes at HPG from June 1 to December 31, 2021.

High-grade gold-silver-lead-zinc intercepts at the HPG:

  • Underground hole ZK2542 intersected a 1.91 m interval (1.64 m true width) of vein H16 grading 24.66 g/t gold, 56 g/t silver, 3.28% lead, 2.12% zinc, and 0.11% copper from 29.11 m depth, at an elevation of 527 m.
  • Underground hole ZK2314 intersected a 0.75 m interval (0.48 m true width) of vein H15 grading 21.00 g/t gold, 54 g/t silver, 0.45% lead, 0.09% zinc, and 0.24% copper from 132.91 m depth, at an elevation of 444 m.
  • Surface hole ZK2419 intersected a 2.20 m interval (1.90 m true width) of vein H17 grading 22.99 g/t gold, 35 g/t silver, 0.49% lead, 0.07% zinc, and 0.02% copper from 78.57 m depth, at an elevation of 817 m.


High-grade gold-silver-lead-zinc intercepts within the resource area (southwest side):

  • Underground hole ZK11206 intersected a 1.33 m interval (1.10 m true width) of vein H41W grading 2.86 g/t gold, 1,469 g/t silver, 3.69% lead, 2.33% zinc, and 0.13% copper from 66.90 m depth, at an elevation of 613 m.
  • Underground hole ZK11604 intersected a 1.67 m interval (1.12 m true width) of vein H40 grading 7.31 g/t gold, 100 g/t silver, 1.78% lead, 0.19% zinc, and 0.03% copper from 266.55 m depth, at an elevation of 532 m.


Gold-silver-lead-zinc intercepts of newly discovered broad gold-silver zone in rhyolitic breccia dyke:

  • Hole ZK1315 intersected an 18.41 m interval (unknown true width) grading 1.42 g/t gold, 122 g/t silver, 0.97% lead, 0.56% zinc, and 0.14% copper from 202.28 m depth, at an elevation of 573 m.
  • Hole ZK1511 intercepted a 31.8 m interval (unknown true width) grading 1.14 g/t gold, 52 g/t silver, 0.3% lead, and 0.25% zinc
HPG Mineralization Wireframe

Geological Background

Mineralization at HPG is defined in 36 veins. The five largest veins, H17, H15, H15_1, H18 and H10_1, contain about 50% of HPG’s current mineral resources. Sampling in workings along these vein structures indicates that 27% to 50% or more of the vein material is mineralized, ranging from 0.30 m to 1.77 m in width, averaging 0.77 m.


The veins occur in relatively permeable fault-fissure zones and are extensively oxidized from the surface to depths of about 80 m. Within this zone, the veins show many open spaces with conspicuous box-work lattice textures resulting from the leaching and oxidation of sulphide minerals. Secondary minerals present in varying amounts in this zone include cerussite (lead carbonate), malachite (copper carbonate), and limonite (hydrous iron oxide). Beneath this oxide zone, sulphide minerals are mixed with secondary oxide minerals in the vein, with sulphides becoming increasingly abundant with depth until around 150 m, beyond which fresh sulphides are present with little or no oxidation. The dominant sulphides are galena, which typically constitutes up to 10% of the vein, together with a few percent sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and freibergite-tetrahedrite. Other metallic minerals are found in much smaller amounts and include argentite, native silver, native gold, bornite, and various sulfosalts. The minerals occur in narrow massive bands, veinlets or as disseminations in the gangue, which consists of quartz, sericite, and carbonate in the form of dolomite and calcite with some ankerite.


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